On 2014-11-03 11:30, Zeus Panchenko wrote:
FusionDirectory have a plugin for FusionInventory to store their inventories data. If this is the inventory agent you intend to use maybe our schema can be useful to you.greetings, please advise, is there schema or what will it be correct to use, for hardware inventory data to be stored in LDAP (except custom schema)?
If not, maybe you can inspire yourself from it anyway.You can see the schema there: http://git.fusiondirectory.org/gitweb/?p=main/fusiondirectory-plugins.git;a=blob;f=fusioninventory/contrib/openldap/inventory-fd.schema;h=40645be3b8d683c6ac9845128fc4f76d919049b3;hb=refs/heads/develop
The schema was generated using an array from fusioninventory code listing their field types: http://git.fusiondirectory.org/gitweb/?p=main/argonaut.git;a=blob_plain;f=argonaut-fusioninventory/bin/generate-fusioninventory-schema;hb=refs/heads/argonaut-0.9