Hello, If I do sudo ldapsearch -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b "cn=schema,cn=config" "cn=*" cnI can see in the resulsting list: # {18}applications-fd, schema, configBut if I use an ldif trying to modify this I get: modifying entry "cn={18}applications-fd,cn=schema,cn=config"I can see in /etc/ldap/slapd.d/cn=config/cn=schema that the file is named cn={19}applications-fd.ldif so I tried with 19 instead of 18 in the ldif and I get: modifying entry "cn={19}applications-fd,cn=schema,cn=config"Which seems worse. I’m wondering if there is not a numbering problem with schemas due to a previous dirty delete of a schema (stopping slapd, deleting the file and starting slapd), but it still is weird that slapd would list the schema but not find it for modification. Côme |