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Proper way to de initialize library


What is the proper way to de-initialize openLDAP library?

Let's assume I have
ldap_initialize (ldaps://....)
a couple of general ldap_set_option
some ldap_set_option for TLS

Is ldap_unbind_s all that's required?

My problem is that if I do it this way when using openLDAP from a shared object and the process unloads the shared object and then loads it again (restarts my library) TLS won't work anymore. Probably there is one or more global variables in openLDAP that needs to be reset before unload to make sure the initialization works.

I looked at the ldapsearch example provided, in common.c, and noticed a call to ldap_pvt_tls_destroy. I tried that but it doesn't make any difference.

I've compiled openLDAP to use Mozilla NSS.

Best regards,