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Re: Hi, I need help regarding customize schema regarding OpenLDAD 2.4.39 configuration.

Mark Cairney wrote:

Coincidentally I was adding a flat .schema file to my cn=config setup yesterday, here’s my (rather brief) notes on the conversion process:

The direct manual steps are documented in schema/openldap.ldif.

1. Create a temporary directory and put your .schema file in it.
mkdir /tmp/schema

2. Create a minimal slapd.conf file containing only an include of the new schema file

cd /tmp/schema
cp /etc/openldap/slapd.conf /tmp/slapd.conf.schema
Vim slapd.conf.schemaname

Comment everything out
Add the following line:
include         /tmp/schema/schemaname.schema

You'll need to include any other schemas that your to-be-converted schema depends on, as well.

Generate the schema file using slaptest while in the /tmp/schema directory :
/usr/local/authz/sbin/slaptest -f slapd.conf.schemaname  -F .

This is the usual procedure for converting an entire configuration. If you only want to convert some schema, just use:

slapcat -f slapd.conf.schemaname -F /tmp/schema -n0 -s cn=schema,cn=config

The manpages already document that any of the slap* tools can be used to perform a conversion. You would know this if you read them.

If the conversion process succeeded you should now have a cn=config/cn=schema directory.

Your conversion creates a slapd config database. As already stated countless times, slapd database internal formats are subject to change without notice. You should not be poking at the contents of any files within a slapd database unless you really know what you're doing. If you're asking these types of questions on this list, by definition you don't know what you're doing.

Use the slapcat output to get the contents of a slapd database. This is why the tool exists.

On 20 Sep 2014, at 07:17, Abhishek koserwal <abhishek.koserwal@gmail.com> wrote:


I need some reference material regarding "How to configure customize schema" in OpenLdap2.4.x. I have some schema files of version 2.3<, when slapd.conf were used. I am want to import those schema into new Openldap.2.4.39 . I have gone through Admin guide tried some methods but, I didn't get much help from it. Kindly help me or whom should I contact or any specific materials.

Thank You,
Abhishek koserwal,

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/