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Re: Q: frontend and cn=Subschema

Ulrich Windl wrote:
> forgive a beginner's question, but:
> If I examine cn=Subschema, I see the following object classes: 
> objectClass[0] 	top
> objectClass[1] 	subentry
> objectClass[2] 	subschema
> objectClass[3] 	extensibleObject
> And among the attributes is ldapSyntaxes. ldapSyntaxes however is not part
> of subentry or subschema; according to the schemata presented, ldapSyntaxes
> is only part of olcGlobal and olcSchemaConfig. So should cn=Subentry have
> olcSchemaConfig as auxiliary object class? And in which object class should
> structuralObjectClass (and things like createTimestamp) belong?

There are some operational attributes your client won't be able to derive from
the set of object classes.

BTW: 'extensibleObject' means: Do whatever you want in this entry...

Ciao, Michael.

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