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Re: OpenLDAP self-signed certificates issue

Thanks Ryan for pointing me to the right link. I've configured TLS following those instructions.
But I can't seem to connect using ldaps://localhost:636 using Apache Directory Studio client. I get a "Error while opening connection - Cannot connect on the server: Connection refused" error.
I can connect fine using ldap://localhost:389. 
What diagnostics can be run to figure out if TLS is working correctly?


On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 3:00 PM, Ryan Tandy <ryan@nardis.ca> wrote:
The Ubuntu server guide has a chapter on setting up OpenLDAP, including a section on configuring TLS. Have you followed it?


On 07/09/14 02:20 PM, Vijay Ganesan wrote:
2. Added following entries to /usr/share/slapd/slapd.conf:

Are you sure that's the right file? By default Ubuntu 12.04 uses LDAP-based configuration (cn=config) instead of a slapd.conf file; and even if it did, it would usually be found in /etc/ldap/slapd.conf and not in /usr/share.

- Vijay