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Re: Ldap performance : help needed

--On Thursday, September 04, 2014 10:10 AM +0200 Jonas Kellens <jonas.kellens@telenet.be> wrote:

Hello list,

I notice that there is a huge lack of performance (slow response times)
when over about 100 users. There are quite some access rules in
slapd.conf at that time.

There is about 8 seconds between query and response :

Question : how can I get a better performance ? How can I adapt my access
rules for better performance ?

Start with providing useful information:

What openldap version are you running?
Which openldap backend are you using?
Have you correctly indexed the attributes being used to filter on?

I would also note that if you are going to do something like sn=t*, you may need to play with the index lengths for substrings, as documented in the manual page. IIRC, they default to triplets.




Quanah Gibson-Mount
Server Architect
Zimbra, Inc.
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration