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Re: Making sure this is a real issue before I submit it

Mark Henning wrote:
> I am in the process of building an LDAP schema which has a number of
> attributes which will be constrained to specific values.  I have run into
> an issue where slaptest will build the ldif file without syntax errors, but
> when slapd starts up it can't find the X-ENUM syntax defined in the same
> file.

This X-ENUM stuff is probably a proprietary extension of another LDAP server
implementation. With OpenLDAP you have to use slapo-constraint(5) for that.

So your example

ldapsyntax (
	   DESC 'Test Enumeration'
	   X-ENUM ( 'Yes' 'No' 'Maybe' ) )

gets turned into an attribute constraint like this:

  regex "^(Yes|No|Maybe)$"

slapo-constraint is a bit more powerful and you can achieve things like
dynamically searched enums or rules for composing attributes with set-based
constraints. You should really carefully read slapo-constraint(5).

Ciao, Michael.

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