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RE: deploying password policy module

> From: Michael Ströder
> Sent: Friday, May 02, 2014 4:21 AM
> If just add "moduleload ppolicy" to your slapd.conf (or similar action for
> In a second step you have to add "overlay ppolicy" to the database section

Sweet, I never considered loading the module but not using it. Thanks much
for the follow-up and suggestion, I think that will allow me to stage the
deployment as I wanted without any downtime.

> all replicas, also one after the other. The replication will catch up even
> though some prior modifications might have failed in the past.

Will there be any failures? After step one, all of the replicas should have
the schema loaded. As you start migrating servers to step two, they will
start generating and trying to replicate the attribute. As the other servers
already know about the attribute, wouldn't the replication succeed, although
at that point there would be nothing on that particular server paying any
attention to it?

Thanks again, I really appreciate your help.