Running 2.4.37 with mdb backend. Recently I ran one of our test LDAP instance a olcLogLevel with strace and noticed the following in the log:
Apr 7 00:10:16
servername.com slapd[15271]: connection_get(12): got connid=0
all the entries are being normalized,
75911 Apr 7 00:05:16
servername.com slapd[15271]: >>> dnNormalize: <uid=someone,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com>
75912 Apr 7 00:05:16
servername.com slapd[15271]: <<< dnNormalize: <uid=someone2,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com>
for each of db_syncrep2 action,
could this be related to the ITS#7741?