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Re: Converting from slapd.d back to slapd.conf

On 28/3/2014 1:25 ÎÎ, Christian Kratzer wrote:

I consider cn=config superior once you get your head wrapped around it.

On 28/3/2014 12:53 ÎÎ, Simone Piccardi wrote:

- I can put comments on it


Please allow me to intervene in the thread to say that your comments are very valid, but still, Simone's need for comments is beyond doubt.

Here is a long discussion done in 2012 about this (this link points to my own message, but it is a long thread with valuable info):


I take the opportunity to repeat here that, IMHO it is vital to have (at least) correct ordering of ACLs and the ability to add comments anywhere in the config. Also see other usability issues mentioned in the above thread and elsewhere.

I hope that now, when 2.5 branch has started, such issues may be addressed!

All the best,