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Re: OpenLdap provider-client replication error


On Tue, 11 Mar 2014, Seun Ojedeji wrote:


I am trying to setup a sync between 2 ldap instance, following the guide
I ran the command below, but got the following error message.

sudo ldapadd -x -W -D cn=admin,dc=acme,dc=come -f
Enter LDAP Password:

*modifying entry "olcDatabase={1}hdb,cn=config"ldap_modify: Insufficient
access (50)*

How do i fix the insuffient access problem? I am using the admin that has
full write access on ldap.

you obviously are not using a user with write access to cn=config.

It is hard to help as we do not know your starting point.  Above howto starts somewhere in the middle with an already setup of ldap server.

You might want to start by reading the projects original admin guide on:


And if you still can't see the problem post following information to the list:

1. your openldap version

2. your full configuration (preferably on pastebin oder such)

   Use slapcat -n0 to extract the config


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