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Re: openldap search filter attribut equal to another

Am 05.03.2014 09:52, schrieb Lanfeust troy:
> hi list,
> is it possible to write a filter like:
> (&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(mail=cn))
> to retrieve all entry that attribute mail equal to attribute cn.
> thanks
No, RFC 4515 does not define such. On the right side of the operator
("filtertype") an attribute value ("assertionvalue") is expected and not
an attribute type ("attr" which is "attributedescription"). "attr" is
only is expected on the left side of the operator:
> simple         = attr filtertype assertionvalue

You will need a little scripting to achieve what you want.




Peter Gietz, CEO

DAASI International GmbH        
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D-72072 Tübingen                

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