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Re: OpenLDAP: slapi & contrib overlays

Sergio NNX wrote:

I'm building OpenLDAP 2.4.39 from source under MinGW. A couple of questions:

a) I added '--enable-slapi' to configure. I got a few compilation errors. Is
slapi Windows ready?

Don't know. If you got compile errors, that would seem to be a No.

In general, supporting Windows is a waste of time. slapd performance on Windows is 2-3x slower than on Linux for any given hardware. That's all down to inefficiencies in Windows itself, not to any OpenLDAP-specific code. You'd have to be a fool to deploy a mission-critical LDAP service on Windows.

b) I added some contrib modules (e.g. allop, lastbind, etc) and tried to link
them statically.

Added how? You must do more than simply changing the compile flags. See the README of e.g. smbk5pwd for an example of the necessary steps.

     and linking worked OK. Then, I type: slapd -VVV and I expect to see those
contrib modules listed under the
     overlay section. None of them appear. I added 'overlay allop' to
slapd.conf, but when slapd starts, I get:

              5314932d overlay "allop" not found
              5314932d ..\etc\openldap\slapd.conf: line 30: <overlay> handler
exited with 1!

Can anyone point me to the right direction?

Thanks in advance.



  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/