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Re: ldapsearch error - Unknown error (60)

On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Auteria W. Winzer Jr. wrote:


If the sort attribute is "displayname" which is how it's configured within Oracle/Sun Directory Server VLV Browsing Index (dn=display_browsing_index) the vlvFilter that's defined is

With in your example below, can you explain in detail "-E sss=heightInCm -E vlv=0/1/0/1"? What's an example for "heightInCm", and what does "0/1/0/1" represent?

In OpenLDAP ldapsearch(1) -E takes the form extension=parameter.

So for the SSS extension, see RFC2891, where section 1.1 shows the controlValue must include at least one attributeType (and optionally more parameters too, which I elected not to put in my example). So "heightInCm" is my example, feel free to substitute the attributeType/orderingRule/reverseOrder you actually desire for your application. (Particularly important since I made "heightInCm" up and I don't believe that's been registered anywhere...)

And for vlv, see the I-D I linked to, 0/1/0/1 is my example that gets automagically encoded properly by ldapsearch(1) to refer to the controlValue defined in Section 6.1. Again you should feel free to substitute the parameters you actually desire for your application.

With Best Regards,
Auteria Winzer Jr.

      From: Aaron Richton <richton@nbcs.rutgers.edu>
      To: Auteria W. Winzer Jr. <wwinzer@yahoo.com>
      Cc: "openldap-technical@openldap.org" <openldap-technical@openldap.org>
      Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2014 1:05 PM
      Subject: Re: ldapsearch error - Unknown error (60)

On Tue, 18 Feb 2014, Auteria W. Winzer Jr. wrote:

> To the members of the mailing list,
> Upon a test search I'm getting the following error:
> $ ldapsearch -LLL -v -z none -x -e "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9" -h bugsbunny.bar -p 9999 -b "ou=foo,o=bar" -D "uid=xxx,ou=foo,o=bar" -w "xxxxxxxx" "(&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(displayname=*))" displayname
> ldap_initialize( ldap://bugsbunny.bar:9999 )
> filter: (&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(displayname=*))
> requesting: displayname
> Unknown error (60)
> Additional information: VLV Control
> When looking up the error I noticed the following:
> LDAP_SORT_CONTROL_MISSING - 60 (x'3C) - Unused in standards. Sun LDAP Directory Server only. Server did not receive a required server-side sorting control.
> Can someone that has experience with this type of LDAP search criteria assist me to obtain a final resolution?

See the relevant I-D http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-ldapext-ldapv3-vlv-09

per section 6.1, you need to have a SSS control in addition to the VLV control. You're missing that, hence the server says it didn't receive the requirement. Make sure your requests comply with the I-D.

Also, the controlValue has precise requirements, and I don't see an example of that above.

Using OpenLDAP's ldapsearch(1) I believe this would go something like:

ldapsearch -z none -x -E sss=heightInCm -E vlv=0/1/0/1 -b cn=foo -h ldap.example.com (uid=user)

another example from the archives:
