Am Tue, 14 Jan 2014 11:06:34 -0500
schrieb "Borresen, John - 0442 - MITLL" <>:
First, my apologies for the adding you, Quanah, to the cc list. Over
the last few weeks, my emails have not been getting through to the
openldap-technical group (haven't seen anything getting posted).
Trying to set up Monitor. I've created a Monitor directory in my
ldap directory: /var/lib/openldap
All owned by ldap.
My ldif looks like this:
dn: olcDatabase=Monitor,cn=config
olcAccess:dn.exact="cn=ldapadmin,dc=<my_group>,dc=ldap" write
olcAccess:by users read
olcAccess:by * none
Monitor does not require any write access control. The data required is
collected at run time or search operation only.