I'm trying to migrate small other vendor LDAP server to OpenLDAP.
I've created test environment with 3 multimaster OpenLDAP instances -
version 2.4.36. Below is some strange behavior of slapd while I was
adding few hunderd of accounts from ldif file using âldapadd' command
from remote host.
conn=1015 op=440 ADD dn=âuid=XXX,ou=People,ou=developers,o=test"
conn=1015 op=440 RESULT tag=105 err=0 text=
connection_input: conn=1015 deferring operation: too many executing
conn=1015 op=441 ADD dn=âuid=YYY,ou=People,ou=developers,o=test"
conn=1015 op=441 RESULT tag=105 err=0 text=
My question is what does mean 'deferring operation' - as you can see
result is OK (err=0) so nothing was really deferred. Database is really
small - few hundred entries, and server is not used at all by any other
machine. I was using rootdn user which I suppose does not have any limits
for search/add/mod operations?