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Re: Openldap server with TLS not working

On 2013.10.03 12.13, Michael Ströder wrote:
btb@bitrate.net wrote:
On Oct 2, 2013, at 11.47, Michael Ströder <michael@stroeder.com> wrote:

btb wrote:
On 2013.10.02 07.29, Axel Grosse wrote:

when I test on the server itself ..
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts -CAfile
710:error:140790E5:SSL routines:SSL23_WRITE:ssl handshake
ldaps [port 636] is deprecated.
use starttls with the standard port [389].
to test, just use ldapsearch [see the reference to -Z in the man page]
This is nonsense.

 From a security perspective there's no reason not to use LDAPS. Well, I'd even
recommend LDAPS since SSL/TLS handshake is done *before* a client can send an
With my deployments I always enable both but prefer LDAPS.

I cannot imagine that any LDAP server or client will ever drop support for
LDAPS since this would immediately rule out this implementation from broader
market share.
i'm not sure what exactly you mean by "this is nonsense".  ldaps was never
offered as a formal specification, and *is* deprecated.
I don't know of any document forbidding use of LDAPS.
I don't know any server which implements StartTLS which is not capable of
LDAPS (despite configuration choice).
deprecated != forbidden.  no has has claimed there are any servers which 
only implement starttls.
that's a fact: http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/605.html .
FAQ entries are no formal specification. But you should read all of the FAQ:
i guess you could take that up with the author of the faq entry - but 
you're right about formal specifications being important ;) .  it's 
probably also worth noting that there are other quite well recognized 
protocols which have deprecated and/or abandoned their "tunneled" 
counterparts, some quite formally so - smtp, imap, and xmpp are a few 
which come to mind.
"Although there is no technical specification for ldaps:// it is widely used."
sorry, i'm not sure what you're getting at.  i've already clearly stated 
exactly that, as is clearly seen below.
ldaps may well be in continued use even given its deprecation, but no one
is debating that, and it's continued use in light of being deprecated does
not change that it's deprecated.  we all know it's still heavily used, and
probably will continue to be for, at the very least, quite some time.
And because it's heavily used it's nonsense to teach everybody this pseudo
argument about "deprecated". And as said I find it even to be more secure.
you're welcome to find ldaps more secure than starttls.  plenty of 
others don't.
this has probably veered off topic enough at this point.  over and out.
