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Re: Kudos to all who contributed to MDB

--On Wednesday, September 18, 2013 2:01 PM -0600 Brent Bice <bbice@sgi.com> wrote:

On a SLES11 system, for instance with the

This is because the SLES folks seem to love to seek out ways to break things for servers. I'm not really sure why they call themselves an "enterprise server" product anymore. It is trivial to fix this:

ulimit -v unlimited

    On a newish ubuntu system with a 3.5 kernel this doesn't seem to be
an issue - tell OpenLDAP to use whatever maxsize you want and it just
works.  :-)

There's a known issue in 3.0 through 3.9 kernels that is fixed in 3.10 that will affect your write speed with mdb. See:


I have 3.10 running on my Ubuntu12 box now, it is a significant improvement. It also appears this breakage was backported on some Linux OSes into their 2.6 kernels.

    I'd also only use MDB on a 64 bit linux system. One of the other
headaches I remember running into with memory mapped I/O was adding in
support for 64 bit I/O on 32 bit systems.  Best to avoid that whole mess
and just use a 64 bit OS in the first place.


    Anyway, thanks again to everyone who contributed to MDB. It's lots
faster than BerkeleyDB in all of my testing so far. 'Looking forward to
gradually shifting more of my LDAP servers over to it.

For me, the back-mdb write speed is about 50x to 70x faster than the BDB based backends.


Also quite a bit faster for reads:


Glad to hear MDB is working out well for you!



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Lead Engineer
Zimbra Software, LLC
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration