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RE: openldap and MozNSS

--On Tuesday, June 25, 2013 11:40 AM -0400 Rodney Simioni <rodney.simioni@verio.net> wrote:
I'm getting further, I went to http://ltb-project.org and downloaded a
newer version of openldap. BTW, thank you, it's a nice site.

But when I do a 'ldapsearch -d -1 -x -LLL -ZZ', I'm getting " unsupported
extended operation"

Does anybody have a clue?
I would advise you to specifically use -H <URI> so it is clear what you are 
connecting to and how.  For example, -ZZ requests startTLS, but if you are 
using an ldaps:// URI, that makes no sense, because they are mutually 


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Sr. Member of Technical Staff
Zimbra, Inc
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