Earlier thread:
Tianyin Xu asked, Howard Chu answered:
This works quite fine. Then, I write the parameters into ldap.conf as follows:
BASE dc=ucsd,dc=edu
BINDDN cn=admin,dc=ucsd,dc=edu
BINDPW 12345
Then only BASE has effect. According to the ldap.conf manual, BINDDN is a
Those were not OpenLDAP's ldap.conf. BINDPW isn't mentioned in OpenLDAP
documentation because it does not exist in OpenLDAP. Reading non-OpenLDAP
documentation and attempting to apply it to OpenLDAP software is a pretty
reliable means of confusing yourself.
My question:
It has been clearly stated, that BINDPW cannot be used in ldaprc (at least in the case of openldap).
But it is definitely stated in the manpage of ldap.conf, that BINDDN is a legal user-only option of openldap. My ldaprc says:
BASE ou=madas,dc=something
BINDDN cn=admin,dc=something
URI ldaps://ip1.ip2.ip3.ip4
BASE and URI has its effect, BINDDN has not. Did I make a mistake?
Thank you in advance.
man ldap.conf:
Kurt Zeilenga, The OpenLDAP Project
OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project <http://www.openldap.org/>. OpenLDAP Software is derived
from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.
OpenLDAP 2011/11/24 LDAP.CONF(5)