Maybe this is not the best way to ask but I would like to get some performance
expectations or maybe suggestions how to improve performance. I do have
relatively long experience with OpenLDAP as a precompiled package and with
much less users so performance was not an issue for those installations.
Now I need to put few million users (now one million for test), custom
tailored schema and search performance is crucial but also modify performance
is big issue. Before MDB I have used HDB as backend.
What to do to improve write part of performance or performance in general
(when adding data – from time to time – OpenLDAP stalls in a way)? Just around
5 add/mod operations during that time then it continue with much higher speed.
I have used many different sources to find out other peoples experience and I
didn’t choose to write to list lightly but I really need some help/hints.
As a hardware I am using two ProLiant DL360p Gen8 servers with:
HP Smart Array P420i Controller,
2 x EG0600FBDSR 558 GB hard disk in RAID 1.
2 Ethernet ports are bonded to achieve redundancy and performance and
connected to Cisco 3750 switch
OS is Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS server with no unnecessary daemons installed. Disk is
partitioned this way.
FilesystemSizeUsed Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda146G1.4G43G4% /
udev24G4.0K24G1% /dev
tmpfs9.5G240K9.5G1% /run
none5.0M05.0M0% /run/lock
none24G024G0% /run/shm
/dev/sda3232G32G189G15% /var
/dev/sda4230G2.4G216G2% /opt
OpenLDAP is latest one – 2.4.35 compiled on Ubuntu server with addition of
Berkley db 5.3.21 (I am not using it but …) and no special switches are used
during configuration except the on which puts installation to /opt/openldap
I am using also libhoard.so as a memory manager (latest one downloaded from
HOARD web site).
OpenLDAP is configured as MultiMaster N Way and I am using MDB as backend
Config is in conf.d stile.
root@spr1:~# more /opt/openldap/etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn\=config.ldif
And top:
top - 11:56:27 up 4 days,1:43,1 user,load average: 2.71, 2.88, 3.19
Tasks: 224 total,1 running, 223 sleeping,0 stopped,0 zombie
Cpu(s):2.6%us,0.1%sy,0.0%ni, 91.3%id,6.0%wa,0.0%hi,0.0%si,0.0%st
Mem:49424228k total, 35362892k used, 14061336k free,127844k buffers
Swap: 46874876k total,0k used, 46874876k free, 32631568k cached
4833 openldap200101g30g29g S91 64.1 196:30.20 slapd
4403 root200000 D20.02:41.89 flush-8:0
1 root200 24472 2444 1360 S00.00:04.36 init
2 root200000 S00.00:00.03 kthreadd
3 root2000 00 S00.00:00.37 ksoftirqd/0