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Re: slapo-rwm intercept and maasage an attribute?

On 27/02/13 13:05, Howard Chu wrote:
Tim Watts wrote:
On 27/02/13 12:20, Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
slapo-rwm(5) does not allow to rewrite the password.  It allows to
rewrite the request DN (AFAIK).
OK - so you are saying that slapo-rwn *cannot* change data written to
userPassword: but it can change other attributes?
slapo-rwm only rewrites DNs.

Ah - I see. Thanks.

So there is no generic plugin to rewrite attributes - apart from slapo-translucent, that only rewrites them on the way out (AFAICS).
I will have a closer look at your smbk5pwd code - perhaps I might get 
some ideas...


Tim Watts
Personal Blog: http://www.dionic.net/tim/
"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."