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slapo-rwm overlay and backend databases

The OpenLDAP 2.4 documentation states:
“When using slapd.conf(5), overlays that are configured before any other databases are considered global, as mentioned above. In fact they are implicitly stacked on top of the frontend database. They can also be explicitly configured as such:
        database frontend
        overlay <overlay name>”
I currently use slapo-rwm, defined as a global declaration in slapd.conf, to provide bindDN rewrites to a remote LDAP server via slapo-ldap (LDAP proxy database). Is it possible then, if I’m interpreting the documentation correctly, to additionally stack a rewrite/remap overly in each defined database section? The objective would be to achieve database specific rewrites that are not applicable to all defined databases.
database                ldap
suffix                  "dc=abc,dc=local"
uri                     "ldap://"
overlay                 rwm
rwm-rewriteEngine       on
rwm-rewriteContext      searchEntryDN
rwm-rewriteRule         "^cn=(.+)?\\\\2C(.+)?,ou=users,dc=abc,dc=local$" "cn=$1_$2,ou=users,dc=abc,dc=local" ":@"
database                ldap
suffix                  "dc=xyz,dc=local"
uri                     "ldap://"
overlay                 rwm
rwm-rewriteEngine       on
rwm-rewriteContext      searchEntryDN
rwm-rewriteRule         <some other rewrite rule here>
If this is possible, does the configuration allow one to define the overlay at the “backend” level, so that it applies to all databases of the same type?
backend                ldap
overlay                 rwm
rwm-rewriteEngine       on
database                ldap
suffix                  "dc=abc,dc=local"
uri                     "ldap://"
rwm-rewriteContext      searchEntryDN
rwm-rewriteRule         "^cn=(.+)?\\\\2C(.+)?,ou=users,dc=abc,dc=local$" "cn=$1_$2,ou=users,dc=abc,dc=local" ":@"
database                ldap
suffix                  "dc=xyz,dc=local"
uri                     "ldap://"
rwm-rewriteContext      searchEntryDN
rwm-rewriteRule         <some other rewrite rule here>
Bryce Powell