On 4/3/12 11:50 AM, Howard Chu wrote:
I don't see any description in the admin guide about how to convert
a *.schema file into a
*.ldif file. Google tells me that most people are using slaptest
with the -F and -f parameters
with a specially crafted slapd.conf file.
I would like to programatically do this -- my ability to vi two
files and make identical
changes has been known to be fallable!
Suggestions? Code examples?
Read schema/openldap.ldif
Thank you Howard. I didn't think to go looking for that kind of
If anyone is interested, I've thrown together a short perl script
that does what
schema/openldap.ldif suggests. I believe it will generate an ldif
file that is just as valid
as the schema file it is given ;-) I have tested that hypothesis via
ldapadd on a system that
I set up for cn=config use.