Michael StrÃder wrote:
Nick Milas wrote:On 22/3/2012 2:20 ÎÎ, btb wrote:i press the enter key on my keyboardInterestingly, I found that the same is also possible with JXPlorer. ACLs can be formatted like that and they remain formated. They also function without problems. Unfortunately, normal listing (all values together), does not show them formatted; I must edit each one separately to view it formatted.For the upcoming release I've registered possibly multi-line olc* attribute types with web2ldap's plugin class MultilineText and I could add line breaks manually. (This plugin class is also used for XML data found in config of other directory server products, etc.) But I wonder whether this is guaranteed to work since slapd rips out line breaks from the values imported from slapd.conf during automatic config conversion. It preserves multiple space chars formerly used for indentation though. So I'd be interested in hearing one of the core developers confirm that line breaks in those attribute values will always be preserved when added via LDAP. The attribute types in question all have Directory String syntax. But glancing at the RFC the syntax Directory String allows CR and LF.
OpenLDAP stores attribute values verbatim. It always has and always will. You shouldn't even need to ask this question.
Additional white space introduced when displaying as LDIF (e.g. for line-wrapping) is strictly an LDIF concern; it is not part of the actual attribute values.
-- -- Howard Chu CTO, Symas Corp. http://www.symas.com Director, Highland Sun http://highlandsun.com/hyc/ Chief Architect, OpenLDAP http://www.openldap.org/project/