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Re: Is putting slapd into read-only mode sufficient for backups?

On Tue, Feb 07, 2012 at 04:53:52PM -0500, Brian Reichert wrote:
> I'm curious if the tactics described in this thread are currently
> sufficient:
>   http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200608/msg00152.html

Let me try asking a slightly different question.

This page says:


  How do I backup my directory?

  You can backup your BDB, HDB, or LDBM-based directory by making
  a copy of the id2entry index file while slapd is NOT running. 

Question: is slapd, put into read-only mode via the config database,
close enough to 'NOT running' to satisfy the condition?

Follow-up: is it expected that the misc db_* utilities can be used
safely at this point?

Brian Reichert				<reichert@numachi.com>
BSD admin/developer at large