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Re: slapcat -n 0 and slapadd

--On October 26, 2011 2:00:07 PM -0700 Craig White <craig.white@ttiltd.com> wrote:

root@ubuntu:/etc/ldap# rm -fr slapd.d/*
root@ubuntu:/etc/ldap# rm -fr /var/lib/ldap/*
root@ubuntu:/etc/ldap# slapadd -F /etc/ldap/slapd.d -n 0 -l
slapcat_config.ldif olcDbDirectory: value #0: invalid path: No such file
or directory slapadd: could not add entry
dn="olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config" (line=1009):  _###################
99.24% eta   none elapsed            none spd   5.4 M/s  Closing DB...
root@ubuntu:/etc/ldap# slapadd -F /etc/ldap/slapd.d -n 1 -l
slapcat_data.ldif accesslog: "logdb <suffix>" missing or invalid.
backend_startup_one (type=hdb, suffix="dc=ttinet,dc=local"): bi_db_open
failed! (1) slap_startup failed

You sent the wrong entry. Clearly when you did rm -rf /var/lib/ldap you removed directories that are referenced in your exported config (specifically whatever is in olcDbDirectory. Note that the error clearly states the problem is with the olcDatabase={2}hdb entry, yet you sent an entirely unrelated and different entry. Please send the information that is relevant to the error reported.


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration