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slapindex with translucent overlay


I have recently discovered that i'm not using the indexes i should, in one translucent overlay database, for the locally stored attributes. This being a production server, i would like to know if changing index configuration and running slapindex on that database is enough to reindex the data.


Hugo Monteiro.

fct.unl.pt:~# cat .signature

Hugo Monteiro
Email	 : hugo.monteiro@fct.unl.pt
Telefone : +351 212948300 Ext.15307
Web      : http://hmonteiro.net

Divisão de Informática
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da
		   Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Quinta da Torre   2829-516 Caparica   Portugal
Telefone: +351 212948596   Fax: +351 212948548
www.fct.unl.pt                apoio@fct.unl.pt

fct.unl.pt:~# _