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RE : Slapd-meta stop at the first unreachable candidate

First of all, sorry my ugly English...

I'm using some slapd-meta and they stop all day.
The cause has not been possible to identify but everything leads to believe that this is due to a problem with referral.

Sem mais para o momento,
Rodrigo Souza

:: Rodrigo Souza dos Santos
:: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5889019460269173
:: CELEPAR - Companhia de Informática do Paraná
:: Fone: 41 3200 5279
:: Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil

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Em 02/09/2011 às 04:21 horas, masarati@aero.polimi.it escreveu:
> I first met the problem on a pre-production openldap server. One URI was
> corresponding to a load-balancer VIP routing to 2 target LDAP servers. As
> both of them were stopped, the vip:port was unreachable. And as this URI
> was
> ahead in the list, all other URI were unreachable either.
> I then reproduced the same problem several times adding URI correpond to
> non-existant targets at different locations. Returned entries were
> systematically coming from URI above the non-existant URI.
> Do you need any further information ?

Well, we're still at "works for me" vs. "doesn't work for you".  From my
tests the code works.  If you want anything fixed you should follow my
advice: provide a simple basic example slapd.conf (and ldif data) that
causes the problem in order to make me see slapd-meta failing, and I can
look at the issue.
