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Re: Does anybody succeed to setup SASL(digest-md5) authentication with mysql database and latest openldap-server??

On 16/02/11 20:32 +0900, Hiroyuki Sato wrote:
Thank you Dan.

I simplified test environment. (see below)

* Problem summary
 Does anybody succeed to setup SASL(digest-md5) authentication with
 mysql database and latest openldap-server??

 I'm not sure, why this configuration does not work correctly.
 and It seems that LDAP server compare dn and input password in ldap
 authentication. (see log below)

To: Dan


This isn't matching what's showing up in your logs. slapd is internally
canonicalizing the realm as 'cn=mydomain,dc=com' and not 'cn=mydomain.com'.

Is this true??
I tested again. It seems that c=<realm> will set ``sasl-realm'' value.

In your original post, you specified this command:

ldapsearch -R mydomain.com -h server_add.ress -Y digest-md5  -U
ldapuser -b 'ou=users,ou=mydomain.com,dc=test,dc=test,dc=mydomain,dc=com'
-LLL '(objectclass=*)'

Did you specify '-R mydomain.com' in all the other examples?

I'm getting a little confused with which realm value we're talking about.

See the sasl_server_new(3) man page for a discussion of what sasl-host
(serverFQDN) and sasl-realm (user_realm) will do if set in your slapd
config. I don't know what effect, if any, setting either value will have
when using the digest-md5 mechanism.

In fact, in might simply things to drop the sasl realm (-R) altogether and
capture the domain in the authentication identity (-U
ldapuser@mydomain.com), if your environment supports it.


     # sasl-realm mydomain.com

Another way to approach this (without using realms):


(and yes, I just broke my own rule about .*)

Dan White