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Re: Replication monitoring

On 26 jan 2011, at 19:59, Peter Boosten wrote:

On 26 jan 2011, at 19:32, Andreas Andersson wrote:

How about replication verification? Can you confirm that its working?

Ok, looking at the screenshot you sent in your first email, replication settings don't seem to be recognized in my setup (you have an error below the selected server, showing the server whom is replicated to, but in my setup there's no such arrow, nor another server).

Any ideas?

After some testing there's actually more not working, for instance: the collectsummary.php script doesn;t return any values (all 0), ut if I try the ldapquery manually, it actually gives non-zero results:

ra% ldapsearch -x -D "cn=root,dc=boosten,dc=org" -W -b "cn=operations,cn=monitor" -LLL '(cn=modify)' monitorOpCompleted
Enter LDAP Password:
dn: cn=Modify,cn=Operations,cn=Monitor
monitorOpCompleted: 19

and from the cli log:

0 ) modify - Summary Value: 0
0 ) modify - Value NOT Stored to db as it is empty

I'm on OpenLDAP 2.4.23, on FreeBSD.

Peter Boosten