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Re: Index for objectclass does not work...

2011/1/6 Howard Chu <hyc@symas.com>:
> Steeg Carson wrote:
>> 2011/1/4 Quanah Gibson-Mount<quanah@zimbra.com>:
>>> --On Tuesday, January 04, 2011 1:43 AM +0100 Steeg Carson
>>> <steeg.carson@googlemail.com>  wrote:
>>>> I simulate this on my database just right now:
>>> I suggest you read:
>>> <http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-technical/201011/msg00146.html>
>>> to understand how indices and their slots work.
>> As I now understand, the entire index for one attribute (e.g.
>> objectClass) is "split" in several indexes. They holds for each
>> path/node (resp. DN, but not leaf) an separate index for this
>> attribute with all "hits" for his subtree (and for onelevel too).
> No. Only the dn2id table maintains any notion of nodes and subtrees. All
> indices are global to the database and have no notion of scope.

But what does mean (from

"Ordinarily at each level of the tree we keep an index tallying all of
the children beneath that point. In back-bdb this index is used for
subtree searches and for onelevel searches."

So if I do a search, I'll get every time ALL results (ID's) from the
index for the searched value.  If my search uses additionally a
searchbase the slapd takes all ID's and lookup in id2entry.bdb to get
the DN for the ID and compare?

>> If I do an ldapsearch with -b "cn=ownPath,ou=root" the slapd takes the
>> index which is bound on this node/DN?
>> In my DIT are 470812 entires.
>> The objectClass=subEngine exists 104384 times in the entire directory
>> (ou=root).
>> The objectClass=subEngine exists only 1 time under  "cn=ownPath,ou=root",
> By default an index slot can only maintain 65535 records before it overflows
> and loses precision. Once it loses precision, you tend to get results like
> this. If you need to accomodate larger indices you can tweak a constant in
> back-bdb/back-bdb.h and recompile. You'll probably also need to increase
> Another workaround, without recompiling, would be to sort your entries such
> that all of the entries of the subEngine class are loaded in contiguous
> order.

Can you recommend a good book, where I can read all such things and
understand, how openldap really works? This are all very important
things for design and operation.

Thanks for helping
