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Re: Kerberos/GSSAPI issues

Am Tue, 28 Dec 2010 09:41:33 +0000
schrieb Brian Candler <B.Candler@pobox.com>:

> Supplementary question: I tried to set minssf so as to require
> encryption, like this:
> # ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// <<EOS
> dn: cn=config
> replace: olcSaslRealm
> olcSaslRealm: WS.NSRC.ORG
> -
> replace: olcSaslSecProps
> olcSaslSecProps: noanonymous,noplain,minssf=112
> Unfortunately I now seem to have locked myself out from using the
> EXTERNAL mechanism:
> # ldapsearch -s base -b "cn=config" -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:///
> SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started
> ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s: Inappropriate authentication (48)
> 	additional info: SASL(-15): mechanism too weak for this user:
> mech EXTERNAL is too weak

The default ssf of ldapi is 71, but you may change localSSF in


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung
GPG Key ID:DA147B05