Julien Vehent writes:
On my former installation, I have SASL configured using :
authz-regexp "^uid=([^,]+).*,cn=[^,]*,cn=auth$"
authz-policy to
password-hash {CLEARTEXT}
How do I translate this into cn=config directives ?
'man slapd-config' says the attributes are olcAuthzRegexp,
olcAuthzPolicy and olcPasswordHash.
I believe it should be stored into
I the manpage the two first are under GLOBAL CONFIGURATION OPTIONS, so
they should be in the cn=config entry. olcPasswordHash is under GLOBAL
DATABASE OPTIONS which explains it can be in the frontend entry or the
actual database entry.
Avoid editing the cn=config files directly. Use ldapmodify, slapadd or
slapmodify to add the directives, that way slapd will do some