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Re: OpenLDAP and Radius and Cisco attributes

On Monday, 27 September 2010 16:06:56 Francois Gelinas wrote:
> Full_Name: Francois Gelinas
> Version: 2.3.27
> OS: RedHat Enterprise Linux 5
> URL:
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> I'm lookling for a Cisco LDAP Schema for Radius, i need to pass Cisco
> propriatary attributes back to my radius server and i want to store them
> into
> ldap.
> Here's the list of cisco attributes i am talking about:
> http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/net_mgmt/cisco_secure_access_control_server
> _ for_windows/4.2.1/User_Guide/A_RADAtr.html

What RADIUS server are you using?

For example, freeradius ships with an LDAP schema, which defines e.g. 
radiusReplyItem, so your ldif would look like this:

dn: .....
objectclass: radiusProfile
radiusReplyItem: Cisco-AVPair += "ssid=myssid"

But, see the documentation for your RADIUS server for more detail.
