Hi, I am getting the following error when trying to modify an entry via the ldapmodify command Any help would be appreciated, Thanks, Mike c:\open-ldap\OpenLDAP>ldapmodify -f useradd1.ldif -v -D "cn=Manager,dc=loda,dc=l ocal" -w secret ldap_initialize( <DEFAULT> ) replace change-type: modify replace add: uid replace uid: larry modifying entry "cn=Larry Anderson, dc=loda, dc=local" modify complete ldap_modify: Undefined attribute type (17) additional info: change-type: attribute type undefined The LDIF file looks like dn: cn=Larry Anderson, dc=loda, dc=local change-type:modify add:uid uid:larry The current entry in the database dn: cn=Larry Anderson,dc=loda,dc=local cn: Larry Anderson objectClass: person sn:: QW5kZXJzb24gICAgICAgICAg structuralObjectClass: person entryUUID: 91801ba1-103b-4277-85fc-56dfa2ae0bd7 creatorsName: cn=Manager,dc=loda,dc=local modifiersName: cn=Manager,dc=loda,dc=local createTimestamp: 20100915201014Z modifyTimestamp: 20100915201014Z entryCSN: 20100915201014Z#000001#00#000000 |