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Re: objectClass index from slapd.conf is not working

--On Friday, September 10, 2010 6:37 PM +0200 tim stone <timstone10001@googlemail.com> wrote:

I tried to increase the cachesize and idlcachesize to 100000 and
restarted the slapd, but it did not help.

If you are using back-hdb, and using a subtree as the base (which it
looked like you were doing), the first time through the search will be
very slow while the cache is filled.  That's a long-standing issue with
back-hdb. Subsequent searches are substantially faster.

Thanks, but I use bdb as backend (see config). Due more investigation
today I find out, that if I use cachsize and idlcachsize about 500000
the second response (after first search) is quite faster, because now
the entries are cached. But  by configuring an index for objectClass
it should avoid for searching all the entries?

The very first time you start slapd, I always expect searches to be slow, as it has to load up the dncache, entrycache, and idlcache. If you are only seeing this slowness the first time the search executes after slapd is started, then this is normal behavior.



Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration