On 08/18/2010 04:28 PM, Elmar Marschke wrote:
Here's the logfile of MASTER:
Aug 18 15:30:04 ldapmaster slapd[8017]: slap_queue_csn: queing
0x7f00f317b580 20100818133004.663851Z#000000#000#000000
Your ServerID setting is incorrect, and you are using the default
ServerID=0 on both systems. The ServerID is included in the csn value,
the second to last number (#000# here). Ensure that the ServerID URL is
the exact hostname of the systems it runs on, or that slapd is able to
select the correct sid based on its -h listener argument.
Start slapd with -d config and verify that both logs lines with
differing SID= values.