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RE: Adding Schema

On 28/06/2010 10:58, Alexander Erameh wrote:
> Hi,
> Just joined this list, so please pardon me for any mistakes.
> I have been trying to add "*CourierMailAccount*" object class and
> "*qmailUser*" object class for days without success. I created a schema
> file and defined the Attributetypes and Object classes and added the
> file in the Include statement in slapd.conf but SLAPD does not seem to
> recognize the new object classes.
> When I try to add users to the Database using LDAPADD, I get the error
> message below:
> *"ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21)*
> * additional info: objectClass:value #2 invalid per syntax"*
> The #2 objectClass is "qmailuser".
> Suggestions and advice will be appreciated.

After adding the include to slapd.conf, you did restart slapd?

When adding users via ldapadd, are you sure that there are no trailing 
spaces after "objectclass: qmailuser"?

If your problem still occurs, try posting an excerpt of the LDIF that 
fails, and your config.

Yes, I restarted slapd, and I have even rebooted the machine several times
since but the problem remains.
I am attaching four files in .txt format.
The file new-attributes.txt contains the new attributes I added. This file
was converted from .schema to .txt.
The file new-object.text contains the new objects I added
The file slapd.txt is my slapd.conf
The file socotherm-africa.txt is the ldif file containing the new users I
want to add to the database.

#$Id: authldap.schema,v 1.8 2005/03/20 19:10:30 mrsam Exp $
# OID prefix:
# Attributes:
# Depends on: nis.schema, which depends on cosine.schema

attributetype ( NAME 'mailbox'
	DESC 'The absolute path to the mailbox for a mail account in a non-default location'
        EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'quota'
	DESC 'A string that represents the quota on a mailbox'
        EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'clearPassword'
	DESC 'A separate text that stores the mail account password in clear text'
        EQUALITY octetStringMatch

attributetype ( NAME 'maildrop'
        DESC 'RFC822 Mailbox - mail alias'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch
        SYNTAX{256} )

attributetype ( NAME 'mailsource'
        DESC 'Message source'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch
        SYNTAX )

attributetype ( NAME 'virtualdomain'
        DESC 'A mail domain that is mapped to a single mail account'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch
        SYNTAX )

attributetype ( NAME 'virtualdomainuser'
        DESC 'Mailbox that receives mail for a mail domain'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SUBSTR caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch
        SYNTAX ( 
        NAME 'qmailUID'
	DESC 'UID of the user on the mailsystem'
	EQUALITY numericStringMatch

attributetype ( 
        NAME 'qmailGID'
	DESC 'GID of the user on the mailsystem'
	EQUALITY numericStringMatch

attributetype ( NAME 'mailMessageStore'
	DESC 'Path to the maildir/mbox on the mail system'
	EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'mailAlternateAddress'
	DESC 'Secondary (alias) mailaddresses for the same user'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'mailQuota'
	DESC 'The amount of space the user can use until all further messages get bounced.'

attributetype ( NAME 'mailHost'
	DESC 'On which qmail server the messagestore of this user is located.'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'mailForwardingAddress'
	DESC 'Address(es) to forward all incoming messages to.'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'deliveryProgramPath'
	DESC 'Program to execute for all incoming mails.'

attributetype ( NAME 'qmailDotMode'
	DESC 'Interpretation of .qmail files: both, dotonly, ldaponly, ldapwithprog, none'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'deliveryMode'
	DESC 'multi field entries of: normal, forwardonly, nombox, localdelivery, reply, echo'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'mailReplyText'
	DESC 'A reply text for every incoming message'

attributetype ( NAME 'accountStatus'
	DESC 'The status of a user account: active, nopop, disabled, deleted'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'qmailAccountPurge'
        DESC 'The earliest date when a mailMessageStore will be purged'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SINGLE-VALUE )26 )

attributetype ( NAME 'defaultdelivery'
        DESC 'Default mail delivery instructions'
        EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
        SYNTAX )

attributetype ( NAME 'disableimap'
        DESC 'Set this attribute to 1 to disable IMAP access'
        EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
        SYNTAX )

attributetype ( NAME 'disablepop3'
        DESC 'Set this attribute to 1 to disable POP3 access'
        EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
        SYNTAX )

attributetype ( NAME 'disablewebmail'
        DESC 'Set this attribute to 1 to disable IMAP access'
        EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
        SYNTAX )

attributetype ( NAME 'sharedgroup'
        DESC 'Virtual shared group'
        EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
        SYNTAX )

attributetype ( NAattributetype ( 
        NAME 'qmailUID'
	DESC 'UID of the user on the mailsystem'
	EQUALITY numericStringMatch

attributetype ( 
        NAME 'qmailGID'
	DESC 'GID of the user on the mailsystem'
	EQUALITY numericStringMatch

attributetype ( NAME 'mailMessageStore'
	DESC 'Path to the maildir/mbox on the mail system'
	EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'mailAlternateAddress'
	DESC 'Secondary (alias) mailaddresses for the same user'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'mailQuota'
	DESC 'The amount of space the user can use until all further messages get bounced.'

attributetype ( NAME 'mailHost'
	DESC 'On which qmail server the messagestore of this user is located.'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'mailForwardingAddress'
	DESC 'Address(es) to forward all incoming messages to.'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'deliveryProgramPath'
	DESC 'Program to execute for all incoming mails.'

attributetype ( NAME 'qmailDotMode'
	DESC 'Interpretation of .qmail files: both, dotonly, ldaponly, ldapwithprog, none'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'deliveryMode'
	DESC 'multi field entries of: normal, forwardonly, nombox, localdelivery, reply, echo'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'mailReplyText'
	DESC 'A reply text for every incoming message'

attributetype ( NAME 'accountStatus'
	DESC 'The status of a user account: active, nopop, disabled, deleted'
	EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match

attributetype ( NAME 'qmailAccountPurge'
        DESC 'The earliest date when a mailMessageStore will be purged'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SINGLE-VALUE )ME 'disableshared'
        DESC 'Set this attribute to 1 to disable shared mailbox usage'
        EQUALITY caseExactIA5Match
        SYNTAX )

attributetype ( NAME 'mailhost'
        DESC 'Host to which incoming POP/IMAP connections should be proxied'
        EQUALITY caseIgnoreIA5Match
        SYNTAX{256} )

#dn: dc=socotherm-africa,dc=com
#objectClass: top
#objectClass: dcObject
#objectClass: organization
#dc: socotherm-africa
#o: socotherm-africa
#description: Socotherm Nigeria Corporate domain

#dn: dc=ldap,dc=socotherm-africa,dc=com
#objectClass: top
#objectclass: dcObject
#objectclass: organization
#dc: socotherm-africa
#o:  socotherm-africa
#description: Socotherm Nigeria Corporate LDAP Server

#dn: o=socotherm-africa
#objectClass: top
#objectClass: organization
#o: Socotherm Nigeria Limited
#description: Socotherm Nigeria Ltd. FLT Onne

#dn: cn=manager,o=socotherm-africa
#objectClass: organizationalRole
#cn: manager
#description: LDAP Directory Administrator                  

dn: ou=mailusers,dc=socotherm-africa,dc=com
ou: mailusers
objectClass: top
objectClass: organizationalUnit
description: Mail users

dn: cn=Anuage Menegbo, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Anuage Menegbo
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Anuage Menegbo
givenName:   Anuage
sn:          Menegbo
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         anuage.menegbo
displayName: Anuage Menegbo (HR Manager) 
mail:        anuage.menegbo@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/menegbo
mailbox:      /home/manager/menegbo/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}anuagem009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Human Resources Manager (HRM)
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Adriano Panebianco, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Adriano Panebianco
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Adriano Panebianco
givenName:   Adriano
sn:          Panebianco
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         adriano.panebianco
displayName: Adriano Panebianco (Warehouse Manager) 
mail:        adriano.panebianco@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/adriano
mailbox:      /home/manager/adriano/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}adrianop009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Warehouse Manager 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Alexander Erameh, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Alexander Erameh
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Alexander Erameh
givenName:   Alexander
sn:          Erameh
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         alexander.erameh
displayName: Alexander Erameh (IT Consultant) 
mail:        alexander.erameh@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/alexander
mailbox:      /home/manager/alexander/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/alexander/Maildir/
employeeType: Consultant
userPassword:  {crypt}insight009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   IT Consultant 
accountStatus:  active
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Anthony Nwobodo, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Anthony Nwobodo
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Anthony Nwobodo
givenName:   Anthony
sn:          Nwobodo
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         anthony.nwobodo
displayName: Anthony Nwobodo (Assistant Accountant) 
mail:        anthony.nwobodo@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/anthony
mailbox:      /home/manager/anthony/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/anthony/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}anthonyn009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Finance Officer 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Antonio Evangelista, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Antonio Evangelista
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Antonio Evangelista
givenName:   Antonio
sn:          Evangelista
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         antonio.evangelista
displayName: Antonio Evangelista (Operations Manager Assistant) 
mail:        antonio.evangelista@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/antonio
mailbox:      /home/manager/antonio/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/antonio/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}antonioe009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Operations Manager Assistant 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Catherine Ollivier, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Catherine Ollivier
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Catherine Ollivier
givenName:   Catherine
sn:          Ollivier
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         catherine.ollivier
displayName: Catherine Ollivier (DGM Assistant) 
mail:        catherine.ollivier@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/catherine
mailbox:      /home/manager/catherine/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/catherine/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}catherineo009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   DGM Assistant 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1Rex Eholor
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Douglas Chinweze, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Douglas Chinweze
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Douglas Chinweze
givenName:   Douglas
sn:          Chinweze
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         douglas.chinweze
displayName: Douglas Chinweze (IT Hardware Technician) 
mail:        douglas.chinweze@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/douglas
mailbox:      /home/manager/douglas/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/douglas/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}douglasc009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   IT Hardware Technician 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Emeka Ntanta, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Emeka Ntanta
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Emeka Ntanta
givenName:   Emeka
sn:          Ntanta
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         emeka.ntanta
displayName: Chukwuemeka Ntanta (IT Support Officer) 
mail:        emeka.ntanta@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/emeka
mailbox:      /home/manager/emeka/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/emeka/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}adrianop009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   IT Support Officer 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Rex Eholor, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Rex Eholor
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Rex Eholor
givenName:   Rex	
sn:          Eholor
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         rex.eholor
displayName: Rex Eholor (Finance Manager) 
mail:        rex.eholor@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/rexeholor
mailbox:      /home/manager/rexeholor/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/rexeholor/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}rexe009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Finance Manager 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Nosa Ehigiator, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Nosa Ehigiator
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Nosa Ehigiator
givenName:   Nosa		
sn:          Ehigiator
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         nosa.ehigiator
displayName: Nosa Ehigiator (Cashier) 
mail:        nosa.ehigiator@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/nosa
mailbox:      /home/manager/nosa/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/nosa/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}nosae009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Cashier 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Franco Cremona, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Franco Cremona
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Franco cremona
givenName:   Franco
sn:          Cremona
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         franco.cremona
displayName: Franco Cremona (Project Manager) 
mail:        franco.cremona@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/franco
mailbox:      /home/manager/franco/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/franco/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}francoc009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Project Manager 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Matthew Ejaks, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Matthew Ejaks
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Matthew Ejaks
givenName:   Matthew	
sn:          Ejaks
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         mattewh Ejaks
displayName: Matthew Ejaks (QA/R&D Manager) 
mail:        matthew.ejaks@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/ejaks
mailbox:      /home/manager/ejaks/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/ejaks/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}matthewe009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   QA/R&D Manager 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Mary Ebhotemen, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Mary Ebhotemen
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Mary Ebhotemen
givenName:   Mary	
sn:          Ebhotemen
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         mary.clement
displayName: Mary Ebhotemen (Document Controller) 
mail:        mary.clement@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/maryclem
mailbox:      /home/manager/maryclem/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/maryclem/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}marye009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Document Controller 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Ugochi Iheanacho, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Ugochi Iheanacho
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Ugochi Iheanacho
givenName:   Ugochi	
sn:          Iheanacho
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         ugochi.iheanacho
displayName: Ugochi Iheanacho (Secretary) 
mail:        ugochi.iheanacho@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/ugochi
mailbox:      /home/manager/ugochi/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/ugochi/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}ugochii009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:    Secretary
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Collins Chikere, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Collins Chikere
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Collins Chikere
givenName:   Collins	
sn:          Chikere
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         collins.chikere
displayName: Collins Chikere (Legal Advisor) 
mail:        collins.chikere@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/chikere
mailbox:      /home/manager/chikere/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/chikere/Maildir/
employeeType: Consultant
userPassword:  {crypt}collinsc009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Legal Advisor 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Hilda Ihekwoaba, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Hilda Ihekwoaba
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Hilda Ihekwoaba
givenName:   Hilda	
sn:          Ihekwoaba
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         hilda.ihekwoaba
displayName: Hilda Ihekwoaba (Receptionist) 
mail:        hilda.ihekwoaba@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/ihekwoaba
mailbox:      /home/manager/ihekwoaba/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/ihekwoaba/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract staff
userPassword:  {crypt}hildai009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Receptionist 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Tony Gullotto, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Tony Gullotto
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Tony Gullotto
givenName:   Tony	
sn:          Gullotto
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         tony.gullotto
displayName: Tony Gullotto (DGM) 
mail:        tony.gullotto@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/gullotto
mailbox:      /home/manager/gullotto/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/gullotto/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}tonyg009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   DGM 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Romano Pisciotti, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Romano Pisciottii
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Romano Piscitti
givenName:   Romano	
sn:          Pisciotti
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         romano.pisciotti
displayName: Romano Pisciotti (GM) 
mail:        romano.pisciotti@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/romano
mailbox:      /home/manager/romano/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/romano/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}romanop009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   General Manager 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Yaya Yaro, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Yaya Yaro
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Yaya Yaro
givenName:   Yaya	
sn:          Yaro
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         yaya.yaro
displayName: Yaya Yaro (Protocol Services) 
mail:        yaya.yaro@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/yaya
mailbox:      /home/manager/yaya/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/yaya/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}yayay009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Protocol Coordinator 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Christopher Okafor, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Christopher Okafor
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Christopher Okafor
givenName:   Christopher	
sn:          Okafor
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         christopher.okafor
displayName: Christopher OKafor (Procurement Coordinator) 
mail:        christopher.okafor@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/chokafor
mailbox:      /home/manager/chokafor/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/chokafor/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}okaforc009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Procurement Coordinator 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Robert Deri, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Robert Deri
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Robert Deri
givenName:   Robert
sn:          Deri
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         robert.deri
displayName: Robert Deri (Security Supervisor) 
mail:        robert.deri@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/deri
mailbox:      /home/manager/deri/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/deri/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}robertd009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Security Supervisor 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Lawal Nurudeen, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Lawal Nurudeen
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Lawal Nurudeen 
givenName:   Lawal	
sn:          Nurudeen
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         lawal.nurudeen
displayName: Lawal Nurudeen (HR Officer) 
mail:        lawal.nurudeen@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/lawal
mailbox:      /home/manager/lawal/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/lawal/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}rexe009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   HR Officer 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Andrea Andreis, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Andrea Andreis
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Andrea Andreis
givenName:   Andrea	
sn:          Andreis
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         andrea.andreis
displayName: Andrea Andreis (EDP Manager) 
mail:        andrea.andreis@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/andrea
mailbox:      /home/manager/andrea/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/andrea/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}andreaa009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   EDP Manager 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Bello Habeeb, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Bello Habeeb
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Bello Habeeb
givenName:   Habeeb	
sn:          Bello
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         bello.habeeb
displayName: Bello Habeeb (QC Inspector) 
mail:        bello.habeeb@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/bello
mailbox:      /home/manager/bello/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/bello/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}habeebb009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   QC Inspector 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Ejike Ani, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Ejike Ani
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Ejike Ani
givenName:   Ejike	
sn:          Ani
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         ejike.ani
displayName: Ejike Ani (HSE Officer) 
mail:        ejike.ani@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/ejike
mailbox:      /home/manager/ejike/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/ejike/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}ejikea009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   HSE Officer 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Socotherm Clinic, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Socotherm Clinic
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Socotherm Clinic
givenName:   Clinic	
sn:          Socotherm
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         clinic
displayName: Socotherm Clinic 
mail:        clinic.socotherm@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/clinic
mailbox:      /home/manager/clinic/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/clinic/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}clinics009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Medical Doctor 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Henry Okechukwu, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Henry OKechukwu
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Henry Okechukwu
givenName:   Henry	
sn:          Okechukwu
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         henry.okechukwu
displayName: Henry OKechukwu (QC Manager) 
mail:        henry.okechukwu@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/okechukwu
mailbox:      /home/manager/okechukwu/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/okechukwu/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}henryo009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   QC Manager 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Micah Barkely, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Micah Barkely
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Micah Barkely
givenName:   Micah	
sn:          Barkely
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         micah.barkely
displayName: Micah Barkely (Tally Officer) 
mail:        micah.barkely@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/micah
mailbox:      /home/manager/micah/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/micah/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}micahb009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Tally Officer 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Petru Stupinean, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Petru Stupinean
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Petru Stupinean
givenName:   Petru	
sn:          Stupinean
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         petru.stupinean
displayName: Petru Stupinean (Maintenance Manager) 
mail:        petru.stupinean@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/petru
mailbox:      /home/manager/petru/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/petru/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}petrus009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Expatriate Staff 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Giuseppe Cala, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Giuseppe Cala
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Giuseppe Cala
givenName:   Giuseppe	
sn:          Cala
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         giuseppe.cala
displayName: Giuseppe Cala  
mail:        giuseppe.cala@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/giuseppe
mailbox:      /home/manager/giuseppe/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/giuseppe/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}giuseppec009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Electrician 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Socotherm Maintenance, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Socotherm Maintenance
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Socotherm Maintenance
givenName:   Maintenance	
sn:          Socotherm
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         maintenance.scn
displayName: Socotherm Maintenance Dept.  
mail:        maintenance.scn@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/maintenance
mailbox:      /home/manager/maintenance/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/maintenance/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}maintenances009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Maintenance Technicians 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Emmanuel Ollor, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Emmanuel OLlor
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Emmanuel Ollor
givenName:   Emmanuel	
sn:          Ollor
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         emmanuel.ollor
displayName: Emmanuel Ollor (HSE Technician)  
mail:        emmanuel.ollor@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/ollor
mailbox:      /home/manager/ollor/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/ollor/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}emmanuelo009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   HSE Technician 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Foreman Onuoha, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Foreman Onuoha
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Foreman Onuoha
givenName:   Foreman	
sn:          Onuoha
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         foreman.onuoha
displayName: Foreman Onuoha  
mail:        foreman.onuoha@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/foreman
mailbox:      /home/manager/foreman/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/foreman/Maildir/
employeeType: Consultant
userPassword:  {crypt}foremano009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   HSE Consultant 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Socotherm Logistics, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Socotherm Logistics
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Socotherm Logistics
givenName:   Logistics	
sn:          Socotherm
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         logistics.socotherm
displayName: Socotherm Logistics  
mail:        logistics.socotherm@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/logistics
mailbox:      /home/manager/logistics/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/logistics/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}logisticss009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Logistics Officer 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Luciano Aroni, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Luciano Aroni
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Luciano Aroni
givenName:   Luciano	
sn:          Aroni
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         luciano.aroni
displayName: Luciano Aroni (Operations Manager)  
mail:        luciano.aroni@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/luciano
mailbox:      /home/manager/luciano/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/luciano/Maildir/
employeeType: Expatriate Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}lucianoa009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Operations Manager 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Ma Azubuike, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Ma Azubuike
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Ma Azubuike
givenName:   Ma
sn:          Azubuike
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         ma.azubuike
displayName: Ma Azubuike (HSE Officer)  
mail:        ma.azubuike@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/azubuike
mailbox:      /home/manager/azubuike/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/azubuike/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}maa009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   HSE Officer 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Kebiru Sule, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Kebiru Sule
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Kebiru Sule
givenName:   Kebiru	
sn:          Sule
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         kebiru.sule
displayName: Kebiru Sule (Warehouse Coordinator)  
mail:        kebiru.sule@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/kebiru
mailbox:      /home/manager/kebiru/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/kebiru/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}kebirus009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Warehouse Coordinator 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Emmanuel Bala, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Emmanuel Bala
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Emmanuel Bala
givenName:   Emmanuel	
sn:          Bala
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         emmanuel.bala
displayName: Emmanuel Bala (Warehouse Attendant)  
mail:        emmanuel.bala@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/bala
mailbox:      /home/manager/bala/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/bala/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}emmanuelb009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Warehouse Attendant 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Shehu Abdul, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Shehu Abdul
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Shehu Abdul
givenName:   Shehu	
sn:          Abdul
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         shehu.abdul
displayName: Shehu Abdul (Tally Officer)  
mail:        shehu.abdul@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/shehu
mailbox:      /home/manager/shehu/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/shehu/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}shehua009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Tally Officer 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Phillip Munu, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Phillip Munu
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Phillip Munu
givenName:   Phillip	
sn:          Munu
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         phillip.munu
displayName: Phillip Munu (Tally Officer)  
mail:        phillip.munu@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/munu
mailbox:      /home/manager/munu/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/munu/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}phillipm009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Tally Officer 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Nelson Royal, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Nelson Royal
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Nelson Royal
givenName:   Nelson	
sn:          Royal
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         nelson.royal
displayName: Nelson Royal (Production Assistant)  
mail:        nelson.royal@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/royal
mailbox:      /home/manager/royal/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/royal/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}nelsonr009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Production Assistant 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Cwcoperations, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Cwcoperations
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Cwcoperations
givenName:   Cwcoperations	
sn:          Socotherm
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         cwcoperations
displayName:  CWC Operations Team  
mail:        cwcoperations@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/cwcops
mailbox:      /home/manager/cwcops/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/cwcops/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}cwcops009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   CWC Operations Team 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Nupeng Socotherm, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Nupeng Socotherm
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Nupeng Socotherm
givenName:   Nupeng	
sn:          Socotherm
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         nupeng.socotherm
displayName: Nupeng Socotherm   
mail:        nupeng.socotherm@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/nupeng
mailbox:      /home/manager/nupeng/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/nupeng/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}nupengs009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   NUPENG Socotherm Branch 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Pengassan Socotherm, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Pengassan Socotherm
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Pengassan Socotherm
givenName:   Pengassan	
sn:          Socotherm
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         pengassan.socotherm
displayName: Pengassan Socotherm   
mail:        pengassan.socotherm@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/pengassan
mailbox:      /home/manager/pengassan/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/pengassan/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}pengassans009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   PENGASSAN Socotherm Branch 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Pentagon Socotherm, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Pentagon Socotherm
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Pentagon Socotherm
givenName:   Pentagon	
sn:          Socotherm
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         pentagon
displayName: Pentagon Socotherm   
mail:        pentagon@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/pentagon
mailbox:      /home/manager/pentagon/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/pentagon/Maildir/
employeeType: Contract Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}pentagons009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Pentagon Security Socotherm  
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

dn: cn=Yard Socotherm, ou=mailusers, o=socotherm-africa
cn: Yard Socotherm
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: qmailuser
objectClass: CourierMailAccount
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
ou:   mailusers
gecos: Yard Socotherm
givenName:   Yard	
sn:          Socotherm
uidnumber:   1000
gidnumber:   1000
uid:         yard.socotherm
displayName: Yard Socotherm   
mail:        yard.socotherm@socotherm-africa.com
homeDirectory: /home/manager/yard
mailbox:      /home/manager/yard/Maildir/
mailMessageStore: /home/manager/yard/Maildir/
employeeType: Permanent Staff
userPassword:  {crypt}yards009
mailhost: couriermail.socotherm.com
title:   Yard Socotherm Branch 
accountStatus:  active
disableimap:  1
disableshared:  1
deliveryMode:  normal

# See slapd.conf(5) for details on configuration options.
# This file should NOT be world readable.
include		/etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
include		/etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
include		/etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema
include		/etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include		/etc/ldap/schema/new-attributes.schema
include		/etc/openldap/schema/new-object.schema
#include		/etc/openldap/schema/qmail.schema
# include		/etc/openldap/schema/samba.schema

schemacheck	on

# Allow LDAPv2 client connections.  This is NOT the default.
allow bind_v2

# Do not enable referrals until AFTER you have a working directory
# service AND an understanding of referrals.
#referral	ldap://root.openldap.org

pidfile		/var/run/slapd/slapd.pid
argsfile	/var/run/slapd/slapd.args

# Load dynamic backend modules:
# modulepath	/usr/sbin/openldap
# moduleload	back_bdb.la
# moduleload	back_ldap.la
# moduleload	back_ldbm.la
# moduleload	back_passwd.la
# moduleload	back_shell.la

# The next three lines allow use of TLS for encrypting connections using a
# dummy test certificate which you can generate by changing to
# /usr/share/ssl/certs, running "make slapd.pem", and fixing permissions on
# slapd.pem so that the ldap user or group can read it.  Your client software
# may balk at self-signed certificates, however.
#TLSCertificateFile /etc/openldap/ldap.company.com.pem
#TLSCertificateKeyFile /etc/openldap/ldap.company.com.key
#TLSCACertificateFile /etc/openldap/ca.pem
#TLSCipherSuite :SSLv3

# Sample security restrictions
#	Require integrity protection (prevent hijacking)
#	Require 112-bit (3DES or better) encryption for updates
#	Require 63-bit encryption for simple bind
# security ssf=1 update_ssf=112 simple_bind=64

# Sample access control policy:
#	Root DSE: allow anyone to read it
#	Subschema (sub)entry DSE: allow anyone to read it
#	Other DSEs:
#		Allow self write access
#		Allow authenticated users read access
#		Allow anonymous users to authenticate
#	Directives needed to implement policy:
access to dn.base="" by * write
access to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * write
access to *
	by self write
	by users read
	by anonymous auth
# if no access controls are present, the default policy
# allows anyone and everyone to read anything but restricts
# updates to rootdn.  (e.g., "access to * by * read")
# rootdn can always read and write EVERYTHING!

# ldbm and/or bdb database definitions

database	ldbm
suffix		"dc=socotherm-africa,dc=com"
rootdn		"cn=admin,dc=socotherm-africa,dc=com"
# Cleartext passwords, especially for the rootdn, should
# be avoided.  See slappasswd(8) and slapd.conf(5) for details.
# Use of strong authentication encouraged.
#rootpw  secretpw
# rootpw		{crypt}ijFYNcSNctBYg

# The database directory MUST exist prior to running slapd AND 
# should only be accessible by the slapd and slap tools.
# Mode 700 recommended.
directory	/var/lib/ldap/socotherm-africa
lastmod		on

# Indices to maintain for this database
index objectClass                       eq,pres
index ou,cn,sn,mail,givenname   	eq,pres,sub
index uidNumber,gidNumber,memberUid     eq,pres
index loginShell			eq,pres
## required to support pdb_getsampwnam
index uid                     		pres,sub,eq
## required to support pdb_getsambapwrid()
index displayName             		pres,sub,eq
index nisMapName,nisMapEntry            eq,pres,sub
index sambaSID              		eq
index sambaPrimaryGroupSID 		eq
index sambaDomainName       		eq
index default              		sub

# users can authenticate and change their password
access to attrs=userPassword,sambaNTPassword,sambaLMPassword,sambaPwdMustChange,sambaPwdLastSet
      by dn="cn=admin,dc=socotherm-africa,dc=com" write
      by self write
      by anonymous auth
      by * none

# those 2 parameters must be world readable for password aging to work correctly
# (or use a priviledge account in /etc/ldap.conf to bind to the directory)
access to attrs=shadowLastChange,shadowMax
      by dn="cn=admin,dc=socotherm-africa,dc=com" write
      by self write
      by * read

# all others attributes are readable to everybody
access to *
      by * read

# Replicas of this database
replogfile /var/lib/ldap/openldap-master-replog
replica host=ldap-1.socotherm-africa.com:389 starttls=critical
#     bindmethod=sasl saslmech=GSSAPI
#     authcId=host/ldap-master.example.com@EXAMPLE.COM
# Object Class Definitions

objectclass (
        NAME 'qmailUser'
	DESC 'QMail-LDAP User' 
        SUP nis
	MUST ( mail $ uid )
	MAY ( mailMessageStore $ homeDirectory $ userPassword $
	      mailAlternateAddress $ qmailUID $ qmailGID $ mailQuota $
	      mailHost $ mailForwardingAddress $ deliveryProgramPath $
	      qmailDotMode $ deliveryMode $ mailReplyText $
	      accountStatus $ qmailAccountPurge ) )

objectclass ( 
        NAME 'CourierMailAccount' 
        DESC 'Mail account object as used by the Courier mail server'
        SUP nis 
	MUST ( mail $ homeDirectory )
        MAY ( uidNumber $ gidNumber $ mailbox $ uid $ cn $ gecos $ description $ loginShell $ quota $
              userPassword $ clearPassword $ defaultdelivery $ disableimap $ disablepop3 $ disablewebmail $ sharedgroup $
              disableshared $ mailhost) )

objectclass ( 
        NAME 'CourierMailAlias' 
	DESC 'Mail aliasing/forwarding entry'
	SUP nis
        MUST ( mail $ maildrop )
        MAY ( mailsource $ description ) )

objectclass ( 
        NAME 'CourierDomainAlias' 
        SUP nis
	DESC 'Domain mail aliasing/forwarding entry'
	MUST ( virtualdomain $ virtualdomainuser )
        MAY ( mailsource $ description ) )