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Re: Using Arbitrary X509 certificates for LDAPS authentication

Michael Ströder wrote:
Howard Chu wrote:
Stephen Cartwright wrote:
I looked into this and I don't understand :( Would you please clarify
why a DN such as "/C=CA/O=Grid/CN=host/somehost.somedomain.ca" is
broken? You said "somehost.somedomain.ca" is not a valid RDN because
it just has a value and not a type, however the RDN is not just
"somehost.somedomain.ca" but "CN=host/somehost.somedomain.ca" which
has a type of "CN" and a value of "host/somehost.somedomain.ca" does
it not?

That wasn't clear to me from the output you posted before. Since you
were posting a DN that uses '/' as its RDN separator, the software that
generated this log output should have escaped the '/' in the attribute
value if that was really the situation. E.g., it should have looked like

Using top-down-order and / as separator is the standard behaviour of OpenSSL.

Right, there's nothing wrong with that, it's a well-established practice with a long history. But what's wrong is that when you use '/' as a separator, then you must escape it when it appears in a value.

One can also display subject and issuer names in certs with

openssl x509 -nameopt rfc2253

  -- Howard Chu
  CTO, Symas Corp.           http://www.symas.com
  Director, Highland Sun     http://highlandsun.com/hyc/
  Chief Architect, OpenLDAP  http://www.openldap.org/project/