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Re: syncrepl between 2.3.30 and 2.4.11
--On Sunday, October 04, 2009 7:23 PM +0200 Marc Cuypers
<marc@cuypers.info> wrote:
Is there a compatibility issue between 2.3.30 and 2.4.11?
Yes, although this looks like a configuration error to me. You need newer
versions of both 2.3 and 2.4 to allow replication from a 2.3 master to a
2.4 replica. I would highly advise OpenLDAP 2.3.43 with OpenLDAP 2.4.18.
OpenLDAP 2.4.17 Release (2009/07/13)
Fixed slapd csn normalization (ITS#6195)
OpenLDAP 2.3.40 Release (2007/12/25)
Fixed slapd syncrepl compatibility with 2.4 (ITS#5231)
Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration