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Re: Cleaning slapcat(1) LDIF output

There is no slapcat(1) man page.  You probably mean slapcat(8).

Ups! Yes, I mean slapcat(8)

Assuming there are no other operational attributes in your database, yes
with respect to eliminating NO-USER-MODIFICATION attrs.  There's still no
guarantee entries are sorted in superior-first order.


And another minor question

¿Can I use the slapcat(1) tool on the fly? man pages say nothing about it.

According to slapcat(8):

   For some backend types, your slapd(8) should not be running (at  least,
   not  in  read-write mode) when you do this to ensure consistency of the
   database. It is always safe  to  run  slapcat  with  the  slapd-bdb(5),
   slapd-hdb(5), and slapd-null(5) backends.

so to answer one needs to know what backend you're referring to.

Ok. I use bdb backend, so I have to use slapd-bdb(5) as reference. I've not found any word about the possibility or not to make copies "on the fly".

Maybe a simple

$ /usr/bin/ldapsearch -x -b 'dc=mydomain,dc=com' '(objectclass=*)' > backup.ldif

it's more comfortable option. I understand I always can delete the actual database, reinject the LDIF file with ldapadd and when the service is restarted, the ddbb is generated automatically.

Jordi Espasa Clofent