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Re: Running both ldap and ldaps simultaneously

Title: Re: Running both ldap and ldaps simultaneously
I knew it’d be something simple I missed. Thanks for the quick response and excuse my ineptitude.

On 2/25/09 9:20 AM, "Oliver Liebel" <oliver@itc.li> wrote:

take a look in man 8 slapd:

slapd -h "ldap:/// ldaps:///"

Bryan Payne schrieb:
> I’m trying to run both ldap:// and ldaps:// at the same time. Reason
> being, I can’t get phpldapadmin to use ldaps. If I execute the
> command: /usr/local/openldap/libexec/slapd -u ldap -h ldap:///
> ldaps:///, it just listens on 389. If I run,
> /usr/local/openldap/libexec/slapd -u ldap -h ldaps:/// ldap:///, it
> just listens on 636. How can I get it to listen on both ports?

Bryan Payne
Systems Administrator   |   SPEED FC   |  http://www.speedfc.com

p. 214.258.0129   |  e. bpayne@speedfc.com
10300 Sanden Drive, Suite 100   |   Dallas Texas 75238