Hey guys,
I am using jldap to communicate with ldap, and I get an exception when I am parsing a dsml file.
In more details, the following line of code
LDAPReader in = new DSMLReader(dsmlFile);
gives the following error
following error occured handling a DSML file:LDAPLocalException: The
following error occured while parsing DSML: org.xml.sax.SAXException:
Invalid beginning tag :attr (84) Decoding Error
org.xml.sax.SAXException: Invalid beginning tag :attr
when dsmlFile is
<dsml:entry dn="uid=prabbit,ou=development,o=bowstreet,c=us">
<dsml:attr name="sn"><dsml:value>Rabbit</dsml:value></dsml:attr>
<dsml:attr name="mail"><dsml:value>prabbit@dsml.org</dsml:value></dsml:attr>
<dsml:attr name="givenname"><dsml:value>Peter</dsml:value></dsml:attr>
<dsml:attr name="cn"><dsml:value>Peter Rabbit</dsml:value></dsml:attr>
Any suggestions??
Never miss a thing.