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Re: Subtree renames and memberOf handling

Andrew Bartlett wrote:

>>>> overlay memberof
>>>> memberof-refint true
>>>> # Referential integrity checking
>>>> overlay refint
>>>> refint_attributes member manager owner seeAlso roleOccupant
>>>> refint_nothing cn=dummy
>>> Probably you should have also listed "memberOf" among the refint attrs;
>> Ouch! It was late yesterday...
>> Yes, it works as expected with memberOf also being handled by 
>> slapo-refint. But now I really wonder how it scales if there are 
>> thousands of members in a group which is renamed.
> I can't seem to make it work for me, with the config file as attached.
> I'm doing the subtree rename of
> CN=ldaptestcontainer,DC=samba,DC=example,DC=com to
> CN=ldaptestcontainer2,DC=samba,DC=example,DC=com

you need to add "memberOf" in the "refint_attributes" list, as indicated


Ing. Pierangelo Masarati
OpenLDAP Core Team

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Email:   pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it