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Re: tips in ldappasswd

Keep your replies to the list.

I highly advise reading the man page, and understanding all the options. As the error clearly states, you failed to provide a password (hint, see the -w and -W options).


--On February 8, 2008 5:09:43 PM -0200 Gustavo Mendes de Carvalho <gmcarvalho@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Quanah,

Sorry by my mistake. I wrote wrong ldap name.

Here is my command

[ming@s200-189-190-106 ~]$ ldappasswd -AS  -H ldaps://ldap_server/ -D
uid=ming,ou=org-unit,o=org,c=br -x
Old password:
Re-enter old password:
New password:
Re-enter new password:
ldap_bind: Server is unwilling to perform (53)
        additional info: unauthenticated bind (DN with no password)

[ming@s200-189-190-106 ~]$ ldappasswd -AS -H ldap://ldap_server/ -D uid=ming,ou=org-unit,o=org,c=br -x Old password: Re-enter old password: New password: Re-enter new password: ldap_bind: Server is unwilling to perform (53) additional info: unauthenticated bind (DN with no password) disallowed

--- Gustavo Mendes de Carvalho e-mail: gmcarvalho@gmail.com


Quanah Gibson-Mount
Principal Software Engineer
Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra ::  the leader in open source messaging and collaboration