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Re: uid not case-sensitiv / How can i modify to octetstring / in core.schema not included / Version 2.3.80 [Virus checked]

ems@sparkassen-informatik.de writes:

> Hello,
> i'am new on this List.
> We upgraded from openldap 2.2.30 to 2.3.80.  (Solaris 10)
> Is it right, that in core.schema the entry for uid (and others) is now removed (commented) ? How can i now
> found this entry ? Is it hardcoded in Source ?

Yes, it is and it always has been, see in the sources servers/slapd/schema_prep.c

> The Reason/Problem is,  that we have modified the core.schema (in Version 2.2.30) for entry uid, while uid is
> not case-sensitiv (it allows, that  uid=a4711 is the same as uid=A4711). We need strict lowercase.

Never ever touch core.schema, it is constantly changing. If you have
to redesign attribute types, create your own attribute type.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung