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Re: alock package is unstable


Quanah Gibson-Mount <quanah@zimbra.com> writes:

> --On Tuesday, September 11, 2007 5:26 PM +0200 Dieter Kluenter
> <dieter@dkluenter.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> OpenLDAP-2.4.5beta
>> SuSE-10.2
>> db-4.4.20
>> glibc-2.5.25
>> trying to run slapd an error occurs
>> backend_startup_one: starting "o=avci,c=de"
>> bdb_db_open: o=avci,c=de
>> bdb_db_open: alock package is unstable
>> backend_startup_one: bi_db_open failed!(-1)
>> slapd shutdown: initiated
>> Now, what would be a stable alock package?
> I've generally hit this when something's occurred that alock can't
> recover from.  Usually removing the alock file and running db_recover
> will allow slapd to start.  You could relocate the alock file rather
> than removing it, and provide it back via an ITS for analysis, I hear.
> This may allow the underlying problem to get fixed.

fixed it. It actually is specific to SuSE. :-(
After a run of SuSEconfig all file and directory properties are
changed to default values, thus the owner of slapd could not write to
the database files anymore. I should have known this, as I ran quite 
often into this trap.


Dieter Klünter | Systemberatung