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slapo-dynlist search member=value search?
From reading the FAQ entry on dynlist
(http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/1209.html) it would seem that
dynlist with member DN expansion lets me operate in two directions:
1. have an attribute dynamically expanded (e.g. for mapping a group
to its members), e.g. '(cn=somedynamicgroup)' -> { member:
uid=someuser,ou=People,o=SomeOrg, member:
uid=otheruser,ou=People,o=SomeOrg }
2. search for dynamic objects whose dynamic attribute expands to
given DN (e.g. for location all groups a given user is a member
of), e.g. '(member=uid=someuser,ou=People,o=SomeOrg)' -> { dn:
cn=somedynamicgroup,ou=Groups,o=MyOrg, dn:
To be specific, this fragment in the FAQ describes it:
--- SNIP ---
dynlist-attrset groupOfURLs memberURL member
it behaves much like the dyngroup overlay; the <attrs> portion of the
URI must be absent, and the DN of the entries resulting from the search
is added as value of the member attribute defined above.
*For compare operations on the member attribute, all the values of the
memberURL attribute of groupOfURLs objects are compared until a match is
found; this exploits slapd group caching capabilities.
*--- SNIP ---
Also, the slapo-dynlist manual states:
--- SNIP ---
Compares that assert the value of the <member-ad> attribute of entries
with <group-oc> objectClass apply as if the DN of the entries resulting
from the expansion of the URI were present in the <group-oc> entry as
values of the <member-ad> attribute.
--- SNIP ---
I have the following configuration:
--- fragment of BDB instance config ---
index member eq,pres
overlay dynlist
dynlist-attrset groupOfURLs memberURL member
--- end fragment of BDB instance config ---
The member expansion works:
ldapsearch -b 'o=MyOrg' -x -D 'cn=Manager,o=MyOrg' -H 'ldap://localhost'
-y ~/ldappass 'cn=somedynamicgroup'
member: uid=someuser,ou=People,o=SomeOrg
member: uid=otheruser,ou=People,o=SomeOrg
But searching for groups a user is a member of doesn't work for dynamic
ldapsearch -b 'o=MyOrg' -x -D 'cn=Manager,o=MyOrg' -H 'ldap://localhost'
-y ~/ldappass 'member=uid=someuser,ou=People,o=SomeOrg'
dn: cn=somestaticgroup,ou=Groups,o=SomeOrg
As a result no dynamic groups are found, only static ones.
Am I missing something in the configuration?*
Best Regards,
Aleksander Adamowski
GG#: 274614
ICQ UIN: 19780575
Aleksander Adamowski
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